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Supersports Covid-19 Safety Regulations & Booking Terms

Covid-19 Safety Regulations and measures

Supersports have made some important changes in order to ensure children are able to participate in fun activities which adhere to safety guidelines. The safety of the children and staff remains our overriding priority throughout.

We are following all appropriate government guidance available for our settings to ensure we run safe camps and clubs that still enables children to have super fun.

As a company, SuperSports is continually monitoring the evolving situation regarding COVID-19 in the UK. We want to reassure you that SuperSports internal risk assessments are ongoing and our priority will remain the welfare of our children, staff team and the wider community. 


Please read our full Covid-19 safety measures below - These measures are subject to change dependent on the current government guidelines nearer the "event"



- We will adhere to the latest indoor and outdoor activity government rulings.
- As always we will continue to follow stringent hygiene practices throughout the day. To assist us with this we encourage you to ensure your child is aware of the importance of this and the basic practices of hand washing.
- Children will be required to wash their hands regularly
- Surfaces that the children are touching, such as equipment, toilets, tables will be cleaned thoroughly throughout the day. At the end of each day the premises and equipment will be thoroughly cleaned.
- If a child has symptoms compatible with coronavirus (COVID-19), or someone in their household does, they should NOT attend Supersports Camps. If they develop symptoms while attending camp, they will be sent home with immediate effect.
- In the run up to our Clubs or Camps we ask that if you or anyone in your household are demonstrating Covid 19 symptoms or have been exposed to the virus you contact us immediately to discuss your booking. In the event that we are forced to close due to the Coronavirus outbreak we will inform all parents immediately by email with as much notice as possible.
- When indoors for snacks, lunch and cinema club all children will have access to a their own specific chairs, the sports hall will also be well ventilated at all times. Children will also be seated either individually, or in small groups.
- We will look to spend the majority of the day outside. Where this is not possible all indoor spaces will be well ventilated using natural ventilation (opening windows).


- If a staff member has symptoms compatible with coronavirus (COVID-19), or someone in their household does, they should not attend their Summer Camp. If they develop symptoms while attending camp, they will be sent home immediately.
- Daily checks will take place to ensure all staff are fit and healthy to work
- We have increased our staff awareness around health and hygiene practices.


- Parents will not be permitted to enter the building under any circumstances.
- Parents will need to sign their children in and collect their children at the designated point outside adhering to social distancing guidelines if required to queue.
- All bookings and payments will take place via our bookings page. We will not be accepting or allowing children to turn up, pay and play on the day without booking.


Booking/ Cancellation Terms:


Unfortunately, unless we are given 10 days notice we will not be able to refund monies due to sickness or failure to attend our camp days. This includes if your are isolating. We may be able to reschedule your booking to another day during the same camp week - dependant on availability. We are unable to offer refunds on the basis that all equipment, staffing ratios and booking costs have been organised 10 days prior to each day, of which all of these are calculated based upon each booking.


We reserve the right to cancel any camp event/day at late notice to ensure the safety of all participants and staff. If we are not able to operate our camps for any reason you will be entitled to a full refund for any FULL days that do not take place.

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